
Story Of Seal Rock Dental’s Journey

We undertook a task that we were not prepared for. We did a room at a time, paycheck to paycheck and help from the Sanchez family who banded together and helped made this dream a reality despite all odds and a new borne baby in tow.

The dream was becoming a reality

Dr. Joshua Sanchez learnt to install flooring because we were unable to afford someone to install it for us. We painted the walls, and Josh learnt to do all the sink installation himself. It took a lot of running in and out of the building, shutting off the water and making sure their wasn’t any leaks than running back outside to shut the main water valve off because the water came spraying out at us when we thought we were done. We butted heads on the color schemes but I eventually won and hence the black contrasting walls. The furniture was just a must have but with enough shopping hack experience on my side I was able to stick to our small budget and get all our decorations from our local opp shops and furnishings together. I also dug deep in our storage unit to find a old chandelier and rug that had been collecting dust and that was what we installed in the private office. We got help from Joshua’s parents who helped us get all the newer devices for our office. We had applied to get a small business loan but it took so long to get and we couldn’t afford to hold off on the progress of our dream, because that was one more day that was keeping us from seeing our dream come to fruition.

It all started with a dream, and a dental office that had been closed for more than 8 years. We took a project that hadn’t had much done to it in 30 years and made it our own